Border collie outdoor near brown wooden dog house inside an invisible fencing area

Invisible Fencing

The Dogtra eF-3000 Gold system gives you the ability to allow your dog the freedom he wants, within your specified boundaries. Dogtra’s containment system contains your dog without the use of conventional fencing that can be chewed through, jumped over or dug under.


  • Waterproof collar/receiver
  • Pager/vibration signal that warns the dog prior to electrical stimulation/correction
  • Wire continuity indicator shows that the fence is in operational condition
  • Intensity Rheostat Dial on each individual collar/receiver that offers levels (1-5) to match each dog’s personality and temperament
  • Stimulation is discontinued after eight seconds for safety purposes
  • The collar will be reactivated when the dog approaches the boundary again
  • Other Dogtra e-collars or other manufacturer’s collars will not be intercepted within the Dogtra eF-3000 Gold system
  • Easy to add additional Collar/Receivers
  • 2-hour rapid charge Pet Containment System
  • System turns to sleep mode to save energy and power when your dog is playing safely within the eF-3000 Gold boundary
  • Rechargeable receiver
  • Long-range signal (will work up to 40 acres)
  • User-friendly controls

Safety Features

  • Dogtra’s eF-3000 Gold system collars use stateof-the-art microcomputer technology. The receiver has an automatic control that limits the stimulus to eight seconds.
  • Dogtra’s filtering system prevents reception from outside sources other than your transmitter.


Fence Wire

The fence wire must make a continuous loop around your property for your system to operate. The signal is delivered from the terminal of the transmitter, through the fence wire, back to the other terminal on the transmitter. When this is accomplished, the wire continuity light will emit a constant red indicator.

The wire should be buried approximately 4-6 inches into the ground, or deep enough to protect it from being damaged by any machinery or dug up by your dog. (The wire does not have to be buried in order to work.)

How much does it cost?

Cost depends on the number of pets, size of property, number of training sessions and equipment purchased. We determine a solution that fits your needs and budget. Call us today 804-721-6619

Will it work for my dog/cat?

Yes, we work with every age, breed, size, and temperament. We customize our training and technology specifically to your pet a successful result.

Is the Invisible Fence Safe?

Yes, Invisible Fence® Brand Systems are safe and humane. It is highly recommended by veterinarians, professional dog trainers, behavioral experts, and many wireless dog fence reviews.