K9 Refine Dog Training Focused On Obedience
Obedience should be fun but also challenging for your dog, as they love challenges and learning. K9Refine dog training provides mental stimulation and that is key to their mental sanity. Just as important – obedience should not change your dog’s personality – if anything, it should help show it off.
Obedience is the single most important ingredient for your dog to live a happy life. It provides a language for you and your dog to communicate through with words like Heel, Sit, Come, Down and Place. All of our obedience dog training programs in K9 Refine Richmond, VA Charlotte, are designed to achieve full off leash reliability, so we have to make sure he understands these words are mandatory and not optional. Once he understands this, his freedom level will sky rocket.
The key with any obedience program is that your dog will do the commands around big distractions like strangers and other dogs, or else they will be of little use to you. If you can trust your dog to Come every time you say come – then he will get to go more places, be off leash more, and run and play like dogs are designed to do! Dogs were not created to be confined 24/7. They love freedom and being able to explore, and the only way your dog will be allowed this freedom is if they are reliable off leash.
Obedience is great for abused or nervous dogs too – the confidence that it will provide them will be priceless. Other things obedience will provide are: tons of mental stimulation, socialization, bonding experience, and many learning opportunities.
We can teach our obedience programs at your place or ours
Obedience training for all dogs, all breeds, ages, sizes! Everyone is welcome to join our K9 Refine Family! Money back guarantee! Specializing in all forms of Training Distractions in any environment, dog aggression, servicedog, problem solving , On and off leash obedience, therapy dogs, protection dog service and family.
Basic Obedience Program: 5 months and up
- 4 one-hour sessions
- Long line, clicker and place boards are required for lessons and may be purchased
- Training includes: attention focusing, come, down, stay, sit, extended place, free, out, heel and loose leash walking.
Private Advanced Obedience Program
- 6 one-hour sessions
- Training collar, long line, place board and leash may be purchased
- Training includes: on and off leash, come, down, place, heel, sit/stay, down/stay
Group Advanced Obedience Program
- 6 one-hour sessions
- Training collar, long line, place board and leash may be purchased
- Training includes: on and off leash, come, down, place, heel, sit/stay, down/stay
Board and Train Program
- One (1-2) week duration
- Training collar, long line, lead, place board and leash required
- Training includes: any specific issue your dog has, and loose leash walking, come, sit/stay, place/stay
Board and Train Program
- Two (2 to 3) week duration
- Training collar, long line, lead, place board and leash required
- Training includes: on and off leash, come, down, place, sit/stay, down/stay, with distractions in any environment!